Hilti’s service for testing post-installed rebars
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It’s important to carry out an onsite inspection of post-installed rebar when you need:
- reassurance that the quality of the design is OK
- to test the resistance values of the design because different base materials were used in the build, which were not in the original approval document
- to test a percentage of post-installed rebar for safety reasons.
Our Hilti onsite testing can also verify and assess installed fastening solutions for non-destructive proof loading.
It’s often not possible to determine the load capacity of a post-installed rebar if it’s not clear what the base material is exactly. For instance, if the base material is old or damaged concrete or rock, or has no reliable technical data available.
Onsite testing can also find out whether a fasting solution is suitable and calculate the design resistance in the base material. This can be done using a destructive pull-out test or non-destructive proof load test.
At Hilti we offer professional onsite rebar testing with our trained engineers. We work with you onsite and work with accurate and regularly calibrated test equipment to ensure reliable results.
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